The Concept Art of Amonkhet & Hour of Devastation

Located on the plane of Amonkhet

Storyline Keyframes

Arriving at the city - Scene by Daarken

Parting the Heckma - Scene by Daarken

Uncovering the honored dead - Scene by Daarken

Gideon’s Intervention - Scene by Daarken

Saving Samut - Scene by Daarken

Showdown with Razaketh - Scene by Daarken

The Hour of Glory - Scene by Daarken

The Hour of Promise - Scene by Daarken

The Hour of Eternity - Scene by Daarken

The Hour of Devastation - Scene by Daarken

Fleeing Naktamun - Art by Mathias Kollros

‘Champions’ tonal illustration - Art by Ryan Alexander Lee

The Denizens of Amonkhet

Races of Amonkhet in profile from the world guide

Blue-Aligned Aven Reference from the world guide - Art by Sam Burley

Aven Reference from the world guide - Art by Sam Burley

White-Aligned Aven Reference from the world guide - Art by Sam Burley

Minotaur concept and posing from the world guide - Art by Sam Burley

Minotaur Reference from the world guide - Art by Sam Burley

Vizier face designs - Concepts by Ryan Alexander Lee

Samut, Planeswalker - Concept by Daarken

Aniok Reference from the world guide - Art by Sam Burley

The City of Naktamun

Amonkhet Concept - Art by Sam Burley

Amonkhet Marketing Art - by Greg Rutkowski

Luxa river detail - Art by Sam Burley

Amonkhet inner temple - Art by Sam Burley

Obelisk and Temple design guidelines from the world guide

Outside the Heckma - Art by Sam Burley

The Desert Lands

Desert Lands - Art by Sam Burley

Desert Lands - Art by Sam Burley

Desert Lands - Art by Sam Burley

The Curse of Wandering - Concept by Ryan Alexander Lee

The Curse of Wandering - Concept by Ryan Alexander Lee

Jackal zombie concept - Art by Ryan Alexander Lee

The Gods of Amonkhet

Hazoret - Art by Chase Stone

Oketra concept page from the official world guide


Rohonas concept - Concept by Ryan Alexander Lee

Bontu concept - Concept by Ryan Alexander Lee


Angel of Amonkhet concept - Art by Ryan Alexander Lee

The Scorpion God concept - Concept by Ryan Alexander Lee

The Locust God concept - Concept by Ryan Alexander Lee

The Scarab God concept - Concept by Ryan Alexander Lee

Lazotep Eternals

Eternals concept - Art by Ryan Alexander Lee

Concept for Lazotep transformation - Art by Ryan Alexander Lee

Eternals concept - Art by Ryan Alexander Lee

Eternals concept - Art by Ryan Alexander Lee